



If the idea of spending hours preparing a meal turns you off cooking completely, then Gina is the cook for you. Like so many others, she loves using appliances that cut cooking time in half. She adores her deep fryer and would be lost without a microwave. Life should be easy and that’s the way Gina likes to cook. Two of her all time favourite meals are sirloin steak marinated in Worcestershire sauce sprinkled with Montreal steak spice on (microwaved) mashed potatoes and hot’n’spicy Buffalo wings. And she loves using spices. The more spice, the better!

Kambrook has recently launched the Air Chef air frying oven. You’ve probably seen it, or a similar competitor brand, cooking up chips in a healthier f... Continue reading
The Australian Women's Weekly, Christmas Cooking With The Weekly, RRP $39.95, available where all good books are sold. Photographer: Anson Smart and S... Continue reading
Selecting a winner for August's Kambrook's One Pot Wonder Collections competition was a hard task since we received so many great entries. B... Continue reading
Kambrook's One Pot Wonder Collections competition on facebook is receiving so many wonderful entries, so selecting a winner was extremely difficu... Continue reading

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When I was young, Easter egg hunts were not organised very well in my family. It was all about collecting the greatest number of chocolate eggs, so speed was of the essence. This in hindsight made little sense since mum used to split the eggs evenly between the kids after the hunt. But it did give us bragging rights if we found the most eggs.

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